jdi na vlastní test/obsah stránky
look uplook aboutlook afterlook over
look up
look about
look after
look over
ran offran fromran forran out of
ran off
ran from
ran for
ran out of
put upput offput onput down
put up
put off
put on
put down
turn downturn awayturn onturn from
turn down
turn away
turn on
turn from
get upget onget overget through
get up
get on
get over
get through
broke overbroke awaybroke offbroke down
broke over
broke away
broke off
broke down
switch onswitch overswitch upswitch in
switch on
switch over
switch up
switch in
got ongot overgot out ofgot up
got on
got over
got out of
got up
take aftertake fromtake ontotake over
take after
take from
take onto
take over
tore overtore throughtore downtore up
tore over
tore through
tore down
tore up
sleep oversleep upsleep aroundsleep off
sleep over
sleep up
sleep around
sleep off
backed upbacked downbacked forbacked on
backed up
backed down
backed for
backed on
came upcame intocame acrosscame around
came up
came into
came across
came around
cut incut outcut downcut about
cut in
cut out
cut down
cut about
eat downeat upeat ineat out
eat down
eat up
eat in
eat out
fell apartfell throughfell aroundfell over
fell apart
fell through
fell around
fell over
figure upfigure outfigure offfigure about
figure up
figure out
figure off
figure about
hand outhand overhand downhand away
hand out
hand over
hand down
hand away
jdi nahoru, na obsah
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