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test Ite Final Exam Part1 (Hardware)(nezveřejněné)

    Autor: krystofoxik (5vlož. 80vyzk.+2%ø) ... vloženo 17.6.2018
Test vyzkoušen 77 krát, průměrný výsledek je 82%.
První část ITE testu(52/105 Otázek), odkaz na odpovědi:

- www.ccna7.com/...l-exam-answer-v6-0/

- ccnav6.com/...ll-update-2016.html
U některých otázek může být více odpovědí správných, zaškrtněte všechny.
  1. Which measure can help control RFI effects on wireless networks?

  2. Which technology provides a solution for PC virtualization?

  3. What does %USERPROFILE% represent in the path C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp?

  4. Which solution should be used to clean a CPU and a heat sink?

  5. What is the next troubleshooting step after a theory of probable cause has been established?

  6. Which type of input device can identify users based on their voice?

  7. A computer technician has decided that a problem with a laptop can be solved by repairing a hardware component. What should be done first before attempting to repair a hardware component on a laptop?

  8. A technician opens up a PC to work on it, and finds that it is very dusty inside. What should the technician do?

  9. What are two consequences of setting an incorrect boot order in the system BIOS? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  10. Several messages sent to the network administrator are reporting that access to a secure server using HTTPS is failing. After checking recent updates to the company firewall, the administrator learns that the firewall is blocking HTTPS. Which port should be opened to solve the problem?

  11. What type of external storage should be used by a technician to back up over 2 TB of music and video data files?

  12. Which three components are typically found in laser printer maintenance kits? (Choose three.) (vyberte 3)

  13. Which two types of expansion slots would be used by a wireless NIC in a computer today? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  14. Which built-in tool is available on a Mac OS X machine to perform disk backups?

  15. A tire store needs to use carbon copy paper to print customer invoices so that both the store and the customer have a copy. What is the best printer solution?

  16. A network administrator occasionally asks a technician to make sure that dust does not accumulate on devices in the network equipment closets. What is the purpose of having the technician do this job?

  17. What is an indication that the battery in a mobile device could become physically hazardous and should be immediately replaced?

  18. What guideline should be followed when establishing a password security policy?

  19. After a computer is powered on, Windows 7 fails to start. What initial procedure would a technician use to deal with this failure?

  20. A user calls the help desk to report that a mobile device exhibits very slow performance. What could cause this problem?

  21. What can be tested with a digital multimeter?

  22. Which Cloud computing service would be best for an organization that needs to collaboratively create applications and deliver them over the web?

  23. Which closed-ended question would be appropriate for a technician to use to narrow down the possible problems on a laptop that will not power on?

  24. What are two advantages of the NTFS file system compared with FAT32? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  25. When should a technician avoid wearing an antistatic wrist strap?

  26. What are two potential risks that could result from rooting or jailbreaking a mobile device? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  27. A computer technician performed a number of actions to correct a problem. Some actions did not solve the problem, but eventually a solution was found. What should be documented?

  28. What is the purpose of a Safety Data Sheet?

  29. What type of device provides power to a computer and allows it to be safely shut down in the event of a power loss?

  30. Refer to the exhibit. What is true of this mobile device screen?
    Refer to the exhibit. What is true of this mobile device screen?

  31. When a PC is being assembled, what component is connected to the motherboard with a SATA cable?

  32. What is the purpose of RAID adapters?

  33. A technician installed a network adapter in a computer and wants to test network connectivity. The ping command can receive responses from workstations on the same subnet but not from remote workstations. What could be causing the problem?

  34. A user on a home network wants to share a printer from a Windows 7 computer. What must the user do in order for other Windows 7 computers in the house to obtain the proper driver?

  35. What characterizes a DDoS attack?

  36. Which type of interface should a customer choose if connecting a single cable from a Microsoft Windows computer to output both audio and video to a high definition television?

  37. Once a technician understands a customer complaint, it is common to ask closed-ended questions. Which question is a close-ended one?

  38. A technician is troubleshooting a computer that is experiencing hardware failure detected by the BIOS. What is one way this failure is indicated?

  39. A network administrator has finished migrating from a peer-to-peer network to a new client-server network configuration. What are two advantages of the new configuration? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  40. What two tasks should be done regularly to preserve the security and integrity of data and applications on mobile devices. (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  41. What is the most important reason for a company to ensure that computer preventive maintenance is done?

  42. What are three common input devices found on laptops? (Choose three.) (vyberte 3)

  43. A technician is troubleshooting the appearance of flashing lines on a laptop screen. What are two possible causes of this distortion? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  44. Which three features can be configured in the BIOS settings to secure a computer? (Choose three.) (vyberte 3)

  45. Which layer of the OSI model is responsible for physical addressing and the procedures used to access media?

  46. What are three features provided by the TPM module? (Choose three.) (vyberte 3)

  47. A technician has installed a new sound card in a PC but it is not operating correctly. Where should the technician look to investigate driver problems?

  48. Which two commands could be used to check if DNS name resolution is working properly on a Windows PC? (Choose two.) (vyberte 2)

  49. Which wireless security mode supports government grade security and offers both personal and enterprise authentication?

  50. What type of hard drive contains flash memory for caching frequently used data but stores the most of the data on a magnetic hard disk drive?

  51. A technician notices that an application is not responding to commands and that the computer seems to respond slowly when applications are opened. What is the best administrative tool to force the release of system resources from the unresponsive application?

  52. The current IP configuration of a medium size company with several subnets is done manually and is time-consuming. Because of increased network growth, a technician needs a simpler way for IP configuration of workstations. Which service or protocol would simplify the workstation IP configuration task?

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