Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > animals(2.)

test animals(2.) (Angličtina)

    Autor: NIKCA (98vlož. 680vyzk.+10%ø) ... vloženo 16.4.2011
Test vyzkoušen 297 krát, průměrný výsledek je 68.8%.
  1. a small furry mammal that gives off an unpleasant odour

  2. a wild pig

  3. a female lion

  4. It is the fastes animal in the world.

  5. a kind of large monkey

  6. a small horse

  7. a large animal that people use for riding or pulling heavy things

  8. a very intelligent sea animal that swims in groups and can do many tricks

  9. a large black-and-white Chinese bear

  10. a small brown animal that has a lot of sharp needles on its back

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