Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > angličtina testík

test angličtina testík (Angličtina)

    Autor: NIKCA (98vlož. 680vyzk.+10%ø) ... vloženo 31.12.2010
Test vyzkoušen 540 krát, průměrný výsledek je 74.6%.
  1. a place where you can park a car

  2. a large town with many people

  3. a large farm animal that gives milk

  4. a sharp metal object which you can use for cutting things

  5. a long yellow tropical fruit

  6. a computer network connecting computers all over the world

  7. the breathing organs in your body

  8. a place where trees with fruit are grown

  9. the part of your face below your mouth

  10. coins and banknotes

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