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test Titanic Quiz (Moderní dějiny)

    Autor: Kvatro (74vlož. 2599vyzk.+9%ø) ... vloženo 2.11.2010
Test vyzkoušen 153 krát, průměrný výsledek je 66.1%.
  1. How many warnings of ice did the Titanic receive from other ships?

  2. When did the Titanic hit an iceberg?

  3. Who was an expert on the ship, who is quoted as having said, "She has an hour. Two at the most."

  4. What city was the Titanic's home port? (Never visited)

  5. What company owned the Titanic?

  6. How many funnels were there on the Titanic?

  7. What was the name of the first rescue ship on the scene of the Titanic disaster?

  8. After leaving the port at Southampton,Titanic made two more stops before sailing toward her destiny. What ports were these?

  9. Titanic sank early morning of April 15 at what time?

  10. What was name of Titanic's captain?

  11. What was the greatest danger faced by Titanic survivors who were still in the water?

  12. Where was the Titanic built?

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