Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > Zvuky zvířat

test Zvuky zvířat (Angličtina)

    Autor: Beránek (15vlož. 249vyzk.+25%ø) ... vloženo 24.11.2008
Test vyzkoušen 7654 krát, průměrný výsledek je 44.5%.
  1. What does the cat say?

  2. How does the dog bark?

  3. What does the cow say?

  4. How does the sheep bleat?

  5. What is the sound of the pig grunting?

  6. What does the duck say?

  7. How does the bird often sound?

  8. What does the cat say, when it is happy?

  9. How do you make a horse slow down?

  10. How do you make any animal go away?

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