Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > Some or Any ?

test Some or Any ? (Angličtina)

    Autor: konita (25vlož. 87vyzk.+8%ø) ... vloženo 5.4.2010
Test vyzkoušen 9213 krát, průměrný výsledek je 77.1%.
  1. I haven´t got _____ paper.

  2. I´ll buy _______ paper when I go to the shops.

  3. Is there _____ petrol in the car?

  4. Yes, I put ________ in yesterday.

  5. I bought _______ fruit, byt they didn´t have _____ vegetables.

  6. Do you have ______ change? I need 50p.

  7. I saw ____ change on the table a minute ago.

  8. I need ______ help with my homework.

  9. I don´t have ______ free time today. Sorry.

  10. Did you have ______ problems with this exercise?

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