Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > Povolání(2.)

test Povolání(2.) (Angličtina)

    Autor: lu (anonym) ... vloženo 30.11.2007
Test vyzkoušen 565 krát, průměrný výsledek je 79%.
  1. The person who works in a shop is:

  2. The person who builds houses is:

  3. The person who paints rooms is:

  4. The person who paints pictures is:

  5. The person who cuts hair is:

  6. The person who helps doctor is:

  7. The person who flies a plane is:

  8. The person who prepares food is:

  9. The person who works in a car is:

  10. The person who works at school is:

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