Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > Passive - kvíz

test Passive - kvíz (Angličtina)(nezveřejněné)

    Autor: miraben (298vlož. 946vyzk.+5%ø) ... vloženo 26.1.2011
Upozornění: Tento test pravděpodobně obsahuje chyby nebo je jinak závadný. Nic nebrání tomu, abyste si jej vyzkoušeli, ale výsledky je třeba brát s rezervou, a případně se nerozčilovat.
Test vyzkoušen 206 krát, průměrný výsledek je 32.5%.
  1. Coca-Cola was invented by.....

  2. How many gallons of Coca-Cola are sold every year?

  3. Coca-Cola was invented in ...............

  4. In the first year, only .................drinks a day were sold.

  5. The first factory was opened in.................

  6. Diet Coke has been made since........

  7. The first hamburgers were made and sold in .............

  8. The recipe for hamburgers was given by ..............

  9. Popularity of hamburgers grew...........

  10. Since 1948 over ...............McDonald's restaurants have been opened worldwide.

  11. Hamburgers are eaten in ........

  12. We chew.....................tons of chewing gum every year.

  13. Who invented chewing gums?

  14. The skeleton of a teenager with a chewing gum in his mouth was.........

  15. The Mayan Indians called chewing gums.............

  16. William Wrigley was a.............

  17. Chewing gums were given to American soldiers to help them...

  18. Tobacco was brought to Europe in the..........

  19. The American Civil war was fought .........

  20. Slavery was banned in the Northern States in ..............

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