Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > MAKE vs DO

test MAKE vs DO (Angličtina)

    Autor: T149 (12vlož. 117vyzk.+16%ø) ... vloženo 3.10.2014
Test vyzkoušen 1159 krát, průměrný výsledek je 69.6%.
  1. I have horrible toothache. I have to ______ an appointment with the dentist.

  2. My dad ______ business with that company.

  3. I usually help my mum _____ the dishes after dinner.

  4. I failed the exam. I ______ too many mistakes.

  5. I can't play with you, I have to _____ my homework.

  6. When I get up I ______ my bed.

  7. Would you like some tea? I'll _____ you some if you want.

  8. Could you _____ me a favour and hold this bag for a while?

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