jdi na vlastní test/obsah stránky
painted by Leonardo da Vincicreated by Michelangellowritten by William Shakespear
painted by Leonardo da Vinci
created by Michelangello
written by William Shakespear
RussiaCzech RepublicCanada
Czech Republic
filmed by James Cameronwritten by Beatleswritten by Elton John
filmed by James Cameron
written by Beatles
written by Elton John
founded by Martin Luther Kingfounded by Bill Gatesinvented by Barack Obama
founded by Martin Luther King
founded by Bill Gates
invented by Barack Obama
Hernán CortésJames CookChristopher Columbus
Hernán Cortés
James Cook
Christopher Columbus
The White HousePentagonWorld Trade Center
The White House
World Trade Center
invented by Thomas Edisondiscovered by Alexander Flemingdiscovered by Jaroslav Heyrovský
invented by Thomas Edison
discovered by Alexander Fleming
discovered by Jaroslav Heyrovský
filmed by Steven Spielbergsung by Johnny Cashwritten by Jean de La Fontaine
filmed by Steven Spielberg
sung by Johnny Cash
written by Jean de La Fontaine
painted by Vincent van Goghwritten by Lewis Carrollwritten by Charles Dickens
painted by Vincent van Gogh
written by Lewis Carroll
written by Charles Dickens
discovered by Christopher Columbusinvented by Albert Einsteindiscovered by Marco Polo
discovered by Christopher Columbus
invented by Albert Einstein
discovered by Marco Polo
jdi nahoru, na obsah
Čeština (308)Literatura (339)Angličtina (606)Němčina (127)Francouzština (51)Jiné jazyky (216)
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