Testi.cz > Jazyky > Angličtina > Angličtina - časové předložky I.

test Angličtina - časové předložky I. (Angličtina)

    Autor: Kvatro (74vlož. 2599vyzk.+9%ø) ... vloženo 30.10.2010
Test vyzkoušen 5661 krát, průměrný výsledek je 72.9%.
  1. Don't be ridiculous; there were no telephones ___ the seventeenth century! The telephone was invented ___ the 1870s.

  2. Franklin began working on the project ___ yesterday.

  3. Frankie started working for her law firm ___ 1995.

  4. Jane is arriving ____ January 26 ___ 2 o'clock ____ the afternoon.

  5. The hills here are covered with wildflowers ___ early spring.

  6. We met at the restaurant ___ 6:30 and stayed ___ 10:30.

  7. The plane leaves ___ tomorrow morning ___ 8:00 AM.

  8. It snows here every year ___ December. We always go outside and play in the snow ___ Christmas day.

  9. Michael is leaving ___ Friday ___ noon.

  10. Normally, ___ New Year's Eve, it's tradition to kiss the one you love ___ midnight.

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