jdi na vlastní test/obsah stránky
Selena GomezKatty PerryRihanna
Selena Gomez
Katty Perry
L.A. BabySpeed dialFly with me
L.A. Baby
Speed dial
Fly with me
BeyoncéAvril LavigneLady Gaga
Avril Lavigne
Lady Gaga
Emily OsmentMiley Cyrus / Hannah MontanaAshley Tisdale
Emily Osment
Miley Cyrus / Hannah Montana
Ashley Tisdale
7 thingsYou belong with meLove story
7 things
You belong with me
Love story
MagicKiss the girlRound and round
Kiss the girl
Round and round
Demi LovatoMadonnaLady Gaga
Demi Lovato
Simple songTalk is cheapAll the way up
Simple song
Talk is cheap
All the way up
Nick Jonas and The AdministrationJoe Jonas and The AdministrationKevin Jonas and The Administration
Nick Jonas and The Administration
Joe Jonas and The Administration
Kevin Jonas and The Administration
Don't ForgetNaturallyThe gift of a friend
Don't Forget
The gift of a friend
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