Testi.cz > Kevin Spacey and film II.

test Kevin Spacey and film II. (Nezveřejněné)

    Autor: pada (8vlož. 29vyzk.) ... vloženo 1.2.2007
Test vyzkoušen 30 krát, průměrný výsledek je 83%.
  1. He won his second Oscar in

  2. In The Negotiator, he starred with

  3. In movie The Shipping News was Kevin almost

  4. Protagonist of musical Beyond the Sea is

  5. In the movie Edison, Kevin plays

  6. Child star Haley Joel Osment starred with Kevin in the movie

  7. How many films has Kevin directed?

  8. What actress played Kevin's hateful partner?

  9. The summer hit Superman Returns was filmed in

  10. In 2007, Kevin is producing which movie

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