Testi.cz > Hudba > Hudební skupiny > Within Temptation - písničky

test Within Temptation - písničky (Hudební skupiny)(čeká na schválení)

    Autor: wwwhisk@s (1vlož. 71vyzk.+8%ø) ... vloženo 19.2.2014
Test vyzkoušen 14 krát, průměrný výsledek je 81.4%.
Z jaké písně pochází tato ukázka:
  1. ...I can't live in a fairy tale of lies And I can't hide from the feeling 'cause it's right And I go faster and faster and faster and faster for life...

  2. ...and I still wonder why heavens has died, the skies are all falling, I'm breathing - but why?..

  3. ...you took my heart, deceived me right from the start, you showed me dreams, I wish they'd turn into real...

  4. ...it tears me apart to sacrifice it all, but I'm forced to let go, tell me I'm frozen, but what can I do?...

  5. ...come on, just see it, don't you feel it? You better belive...

  6. ...I, I've been waiting for someone like you, but now you are slipping away...

  7. ...won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside, if I don't make it, someone else will stand my ground...

  8. ...so many dreams were broken and so much was sacrifice...

  9. ...you can't live without the fire, it's the heat that makes you strong, cause you're born to live and fight it all the way...

  10. ...you gave up the fight, you left me behind, all that stands forgiven...

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